Tests and Assays

We offer you:

  • Customized Contract Research in the Field of Life Science
  • General Advice and Consulting on all Regulatory OECD Tests, other Studies, Laboratory Tests and Assays
  • Development of an optimal Test Strategy
  • Toxicological Advice and Regulatory Toxicology with in-house Toxicologists
  • Laboratory Management –> Complete Test and Laboratory Service – more than 80 Laboratories in the Network)
  • Complete CRO Testing Service
  • Product Safety / Risk Assessment
  • Examination of all Regulatory OECD Tests for Quality, Guideline and GLP Conformity
  • Testing of the Reliability and Validity of the Studies carried out (according to OECD Guidelines, GLP, EU Methods or according to Klimisch et al. 1997)
  • Preparation of Robust Study Summaries
  • Carrying out Laboratory Tests to create and update Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
  • Project Management and Study Monitoring
  • REACH SVHC Screening (Product Testing for contained SVHC Substances)
  • in vitro- / in vivo Tests, Assays and Studies under GLP or non-GLP for R&D
  • Outsourcing Service Partner for all your Scientific Laboratory Tests and Examinations
  • Laboratory Qualification and GLP facility based Inspections for all your GLP Projects
  • Study based GLP Inspections for all of your registration-relevant GLP Laboratory Tests

Dear customer,

INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH offers you a large data base with various tests and assays for registration and research & development of chemicals, pharmaceutical substances, cosmetics, biocides, pesticides, medical devices and of veterinary medicinal products. These are usually carried out under GLP (good laboratory practice) in an accredited test laboratory.

Furthermore we also offer all in vitro tests approved by the ECVAM as animal testing alternatives.

From the development of an excellent test strategy, over the project management and laboratory coordination to study monitoring, toxicological expertise and GLP inspections at the affiliated laboratories.

We provide final test reports including the registration dossier, of course in the format of your choice, digital as well as on paper and worldwide.

Tests and Assays

Benefit from our wide range of expertise, our experienced collaborators and an international well established network of partners: thoroughly selected experts, toxicologists and more than 80 accredited testing laboratories with an over 20 years’ track record in the industry.

INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH puts together the right team for each project. Thanks to our familiarity with the laboratories and the experts, we commission those most suited for the specific service. That way we can guarantee high-quality results.

We fully advise and support you with our expertise and the expertise from our whole global cooperation network.

We offer you all tests and services with the best price-performance ratio.

We are happy to also be your service provider and support your projects reliably –as we already do for many other satisfied clients.

For further information or interest in collaboration with us please do not hesitate to contact us personally. We are pleased to be of service to

Test and Assays for Regulatory Purpose

ISO 10993-5
ISO 10993-4
USP acc. to ISO 10993-5
ICH Q2(R1) or appropriate guideline and recommended protocols
European Pharmacopoeia monograph 1316
European Pharmacopoeia monograph 0958
U.S. Pharmacopoeia
European Pharmacopoeia monograph 2206
CHMP/437/04 and respective annex guideline
ICH 2A/2B (Q2(R1)) or appropriate guideline and recommended protocols
NK Cell Assay FDA (CDER) Guidance for Industry: S8 immunotoxicity studies for human pharmaceuticals
FDA Guidance for Industry: Bioanalytical Method Validation, May 2001
FDA guidance for industry: “ Drug Interaction Studies – Study Design, Data Analysis and Implications for Dosing and Labeling” (Draft Guidance, 2006) and “Bioanalytical Method Development” (2001)
ICH S 3 A or appropriate guideline and recommended protocols
published protocol
published protocol
published protocol
OECD 101; OCSPP 830.7050
OECD 102; OCSPP 830.7200
OECD 103; OCSPP 830.7220
OECD 104; OCSPP 830.1620, 830.1650, 830.1670, 830.1700, 830.1750, 830.1800, 830.1900, 830.7950
OECD 105; OCSPP 830.7840
OECD 106; OCSPP 835.1220, 835.1230
OECD 107; OCSPP 830.7550
OECD 108
OECD 109; OCSPP 830.7300
OECD 110; OCSPP 830.7520
OECD 111; OCSPP 835.2110, 835.2120
OECD 112; OCSPP 830.7370
OECD 113; OCSPP 830.6317
OECD 114; OCSPP 830.7100
OECD 115
OECD 116
OECD 117; OCSPP 830.7570
OECD 118
OECD 119
OECD 120
OECD 121
OECD 122
OECD 123
OECD 201
OECD 202; OCSPP 850.1300
OECD 203; OCSPP 850.1075 (Draft)
OECD 204
OECD 205
OECD 206
OECD 207
OECD 208
OECD 209
OECD 210; OCSPP 850.1400
OECD 211
OECD 212
OECD 213
OECD 214
OECD 215
OECD 216
OECD 217
OECD 218
OECD 219
OECD 220
OECD 221
OECD 222
OECD 223
OECD 224
OECD 225
OECD 226
OECD 227
OECD 228
OECD 229; OCSPP 890.1350
OECD 230
OECD 231; OCSPP 890.1100
OECD 232
OECD 233
OECD 234
OECD 235
OECD 236
OECD 237
OECD 301; OCSPP 835.3110
OECD 302A; OCSPP 835.3210
OECD 302B; OCSPP 835.3200
OECD 303; OCSPP 835.3240, 835.3260
OECD 304; OCSPP 835.3300
OECD 305; OCSPP 850.1730
OECD 306; OCSPP 835.3160
OECD 307; OCSPP 835.4100, 835.4200
OECD 308; OCSPP 835.4300, 835.4400
OECD 309; OCSPP 835.3190
OECD 310; OCSPP 835.3140
OECD 311; OCSPP 835.3420
OECD 312; OCSPP 835.1240
OECD 313
OECD 314; OCSPP 835.3280
OECD 315
OECD 316
OECD 317
OECD 401; OCSPP 870.1100
OECD 402; OCSPP 870.1200
OECD 404; OCSPP 870.2500
OECD 404; OCSPP 870.2500
OECD 405; OCSPP 870.2400
OECD 406; OCSPP 870.2600
OECD 407; OCSPP 870.3050
OECD 408; OCSPP 870.3100
OECD 409; OCSPP 870.3150
OECD 410; OCSPP 870.3200
OECD 411; OCSPP 870.3250
OECD 412
OECD 413; OCSPP 870.3465
OECD 414; OCSPP 870.3700
OECD 415
OECD 416; OCSPP 870.3800
OECD 417; OCSPP 870.7485
OECD 418; OCSPP 870.6100
OECD 419; OCSPP 870.6100
OECD 420; OCSPP 870.1100
OECD 421; OCSPP 870.3550
OECD 422; OCSPP 870.3650
OECD 423; OCSPP 870.1100
OECD 424; OCSPP 870.6200
OECD 425; OCSPP 870.1100
OECD 426
OECD 427
OECD 428
OECD 429
OECD 430
OECD 431
OECD 432
OECD 435
OECD 436
OECD 437
OECD 438
OECD 439
OECD 440; OCSPP 890.1600
OECD 441; OCSPP 890.1400
OECD 443
OECD 451; OCSPP 870.4200
OECD 452; OCSPP 870.4100
OECD 453; OCSPP 870.4300
OECD 455; OCSPP 890.1300, 890.1550
OECD 456
OECD 457
OECD 460
OECD 471; OCSPP 870.5100; ISO 10993-3, 10993-12
OECD 473; OCSPP 870.5375; ISO 10993-3, 10993-12
OECD 474; OCSPP 870.5395; ISO 10993-3, 10993-12
OECD 475; OCSPP 870.5385
OECD 476; OCSPP 870.5300; ISO 10993-3, 10993-12
OECD 477; OCSPP 870.5275
OECD 478; OCSPP 870.5450
OECD 479; OCSPP 870.5900
OECD 480
OECD 481; OCSPP 870.5575
OECD 482; OCSPP 870.5550
OECD 483; OCSPP 870.5380
OECD 484
OECD 485; OCSPP 870.5460
OECD 486; ISO 10993-3, 10993-12
OECD 487; ISO 10993-3, 10993-12
OECD 488
OECD 501
OECD 502
OECD 503
OECD 504
OECD 505
OECD 506
OECD 507
OECD 508
OECD 509

Testing for endocrine properties OECD

The endocrine disruptors (endocrine disruptors EAS) have come more and more into the focus of the public in the last few years, because their hormone-like effects show effects on the organisms in the environment even in the lowest concentrations.

In 2002, the EDTA (OECD Endocrine Disrupter Testing and Assessment Task Force) introduced the “OECD Conceptual Framework for the Testing and Assessment of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals”, which specifies five different test levels for risk assessment for these substances:

Level 1
Analysis of the existing data

Level 2
Investigation of a single endocrine mechanism through in vitro studies

Level 3
Investigation of a single endocrine mechanism through in vivo studies

Level 4
Investigation of multiple endocrine mechanisms through in vivo studies

Level 5
Long-term in vivo studies

We support you in testing endocrine disrupting substances with the following studies:

Level 2

  • Estrogen and androgen receptor binding affinity (YES/YAS Assay)

Level 4

  • Fish Sexual Development Test (OECD 234)
  • Fish Reproduction Partial Lifecycle Test
  • Sediment-Water Chironomid Toxicity Using Spiked Sediment (OECD 218)
  • Sediment-Water Chironomid Toxicity Using Spiked Water (OECD 219)
  • Daphnia Reproduction Test (OECD 211)
  • Earthworm Reproduction Test (OECD 222)
  • Sediment Water Lumbriculus Toxicity Test (OECD 225)

Level 5

  • Fish Life Cycle Test (Danio rerio) (OECD DRP 2008)
We offer you the UN methods that are required in the context of the CLP Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 and the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for the labeling and classification as well as for the transport of hazardous substances.
Norm Beschreibung
H.4 Heat accumulation storage test (Chapter 28.4.4)*
N.1 Test method for readily combustible solids (Chapter 33.2)*
N.2 Test method for pyrophoric solids (Chapter 33.3)*
N.3 est method for pyrophoric liquids (Chapter 33.3)*
N.4 Test method for self-heating substances (Chapter 33.3)*
N.5 Test method for substances which in contact with water emit flammable gases (Chapter 33.4)*
O.1 Test for oxidizing solids (Chapter 34.4)*
O.2 Test for oxidizing liquids (Chapter 34.4)*
C.1 Metal Corrosivity (Chapter 37.4)*
*UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. Manual of Tests and Criteria (Fifth revised ed.), New York and Geneva: United Nations, 2009, ISBN 978-92-1-139135-0, ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5
The CIPAC methods (Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council) play an important role in the registration and approval of pesticides and are internationally recognized. Depending on the formulation of your product, we can carry out the required test methods for you.
Norm Beschreibung
CIPAC MT 3 Specific gravity, density and weight per millilitre
CIPAC MT 15 Suspensibility of wettable powders in water
CIPAC MT 20 Stability of dilute emulsion
CIPAC MT 22 Viscosity
CIPAC MT 32 Determination of conductivity
CIPAC MT 33 Tap density
CIPAC MT 34 Dustability tests after tropical storage
CIPAC MT 36 Emulsion characteristics of emulsifiable concentrates
CIPAC MT 39 Stability of liquid formulations at 0°C
CIPAC MT 41 Dilution stability of herbicide aqueous solutions
CIPAC MT 44 Flow number
CIPAC MT 46 Accelerated storage procedure
CIPAC MT 47 Persistent foaming
CIPAC MT 53 Wettability
CIPAC MT 58 Dust content and apparent density of granular pesticide formulations
CIPAC MT 59 Sieve analysis
CIPAC MT 75 Determination of pH values
CIPAC MT 148 Pourability of suspension concentrates
CIPAC MT 159 Pour and tap bulk density of granular materials
CIPAC MT 160 Spontaneity of dispersion of suspension concentrates
CIPAC MT 161 Suspensibility of aqueous suspension concentrates
CIPAC MT 167 Wet sieving after dispersion of water dispersible granules
CIPAC MT 169 Tap density of water dispersible granules
CIPAC MT 171 Dustiness of granular products
CIPAC MT 172 Flowability of water dispersible granules after heat test under pressure
CIPAC MT 174 Dispersibility of water dispersible granules
CIPAC MT 176 Dissolution rate of water soluble bags
CIPAC MT 179 Dissolution degree and solution stability
CIPAC MT 180 Dispersion stability of suspo-emulsions
CIPAC MT 184 Suspensibility of formulations forming suspensions on dilution with water
CIPAC MT 185 Wet sieve test
CIPAC MT 186 Bulk density
CIPAC MT 191 Acidity or alkalinity of formulations

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